Friesen 220 for sale

The Friesen 220 is a 220 bushel seed tender. This type of equipment is used for carrying seed from one location to another (typically a planter), and makes for easier transport. BigIron Auctions helps keep America’s farmers running.  Each week on our online auctions, you’ll find a vast array of quality used machinery for sale, including Friesen seed tenders.  Our online auctions are always unreserved, equipment is lien-free, and we never charge a buyer’s fee.  Plus, we facilitate complete transparency between both parties by including the seller’s contact information on all listings.

  • ID# IK8181
    Listing Provider: BigIron
    Location: Grimes, IA
    Auction:Aug 21, 2024
    Buyer's Premium Applies

    Last minute bids extend item close by 3 mins

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