John Deere 335 for sale

The John Deere 335 is a disc, and comes in widths of 12 to 30 feet. This type of equipment is used to prepare the soil in the fall or spring. BigIron Auctions is rural America’s leading online auction site for the sale of used farm equipment.  Our weekly, online auctions are always unreserved, all equipment is lien-free, and we never charge a buyer’s fee.  Plus, we facilitate complete transparency between both parties by including the seller’s contact information on all listings.  BigIron Auctions has the John Deere disc you’re looking for.

  • ID# KP1777
    Listing Provider: BigIron
    Location: Kennebec, SD
    Auction:Aug 14, 2024
    Buyer's Premium Applies

    Last minute bids extend item close by 3 mins

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